Saturday, January 3, 2015

Dear 2014: A Letter ♥

Can I start off this post with an apology? Well... I am going to. ;)


 I'm sorry for such sporadic posts. I've had a busy life to say the least. I do not want to drown everyone in my poor excuses. So without further ado, a new post is finally here!

Now, this is not an original idea, I did get this idea from Nikki Phillippi whom is my favorite YouTuber, by the way! She has a blog in addition to her YouTube channel. I just think it would be fun to write a letter to the year 2014, and remember the good times, the bad times, the hardships and the accomplishments that I have made... The links to her YouTube video and blog post:

One last thing, please feel free to leave letters to your year in the comments, and leave requests in the comments as well- I love those! :)


Dear 2014,

Oh boy, what a year you have been! This has been one of the hardest years of my life. Yet, I can't say that I didn't enjoy you. I'm incredibly sad to see you go but at the same time, I am somewhat relieved. 2014, you gave me some great friends, while taking some away. You have brought to closer to what I needed and you've kept me accountable for things I should not have been doing. I did a lot of learning throughout my year and for that I am grateful.

For starters, I celebrated my 21st birthday in February! I have surpassed childhood and the angsty teenage years and marched right into adulthood. Plus, I can now order an alcoholic beverage at a bar- heck, I can now GET into a bar! It feels great to be 21, being the youngest of the family, I feel like I am a part of the cool crowd now! ;)

I was able to quit working at the airport and get a much more reliable job. The blessings that come from that, in itself, are far too many to count. I can now work right along side my brother and our relationship has flourished because of this. I am also able to work within the same company as my husband s I am able to see him a lot more as well.

With all of the wonderful things happening to me in the beginning of 2014,  I was not ready for what July had in store for me. The air conditioner in my house broke down. This beautiful house that I had just bought in the fall of 2013, hardly had any faults until the dreaded summer of 2014! I know, you're thinking: OMG, why are you complaining? At least you have a roof over your head, girl. It was miserable, to say the least.

I don't want to say that this event defined my year, but I felt as though it set the tone for rest of my year.. My cat was run over and killed. She had sneaked out of the house and was gone for an entire week. We had begun to think she was eaten by a fox or another animal as we have an open field behind our house. My sweet Nala is now an angel. 7/12/14 will go down in history as the day Nala gained her wings. I know now that this event does not define my year, it was the lowest point in my year... 2014, I don't blame you for that.

Among the heartache tears, I also had tears of joy not too long after. I had found the root of my infertility. I did not have to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to figure it out. It took a few trips to the doctors and many tearful nights but we now know what the issue is, and can fix it naturally! :) more on this later...

Through the struggles and pains that you brought me, 2014, you also brought a new light to my life. You've showed me that disappointment is a part of growing up, and guess what, that's OK.

Life is not always rainbows and happy thoughts. But that doesn't mean that you can't still enjoy the ride. I thank you, 2014 for maturing me. For helping me to understand that I am in control of my happiness and only me.

It is bittersweet, but I bid thee farewell, 2014. Thanks for a whirlwind of a year and a hell of a time! Hello, 2015, my how I have awaited your arrival!

XOXO Jess ♥

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

My Experience: Telluride, Colorado!

Hello, again! 

I've recently taken a short, (by short, I mean 2 days)
 trip to Telluride, Colorado. Telluride is a beautiful 
mountain town in Colorado. It's snow capped mountains
 are home to many Coloradans.  If you Google "Telluride" 
be prepared for mountain pictures.

Yet, looking up pictures aren't as awesome as 
seeing Telluride for yourself.I took many pictures in the road, 
and I thought it'd be fun to share them with you!

Leave a comment for any video requests, all requests are welcome ;) 

XOXO, Jess ❤️

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Spring Cleaning: Staying Organized!

Hey there! Long time no see, eh?! Well, I thought that since spring is now upon us, I would write a blog post (or a few- I'm not sure.. don't hold me to it!!) consisting of "spring cleaning tips."

One of my biggest issues when it comes to cleaning is organization. What most people don't realize is that things will stay cleaner a lot longer if you organize! I don't mean find an exact place for every item you own; you don't want your house/bedroom to look like a robot lives there!

I've come up with 4 of my own tips on organizing and how to keep organized! I am by no means an expert, so if you have any suggestions, please leave a comment below!

1. Accomplish your own way

Everyone has their own way of doing things. I usually make a list of what needs to get done because I love the feeling of crossing things off my list as I finish them. If you don't need a list; don't waste your time. If you need to designate one day a week to organize- do that! Whatever works for you, test out different ways of doing it and you're sure to find the best way that works for you!

2. Ditch the things you don't need

The shredded D.A.R.E t-shirt you got in 5th grade, do you truly need it? Throw away clutter or donate the items you no longer have use for. It may be clothing, decor, or just miscellaneous items hanging around your space. If you don't use it often/ don't know the last time you used it- ditch it.

3. Purchase organization tools

Grab your bag, your wallet, and maybe a few snapshot of cupboards or closets you want to organize. It's time to shop! Head to Target or even a Dollar Tree for bins,boxes, and cute organization sectionals. Instead of throwing all your bobby pins, hair ties, headbands, hairbrushes, etc. into a draw (which is likely to get messy). Purchase sectionals for the drawer to better help you stay organized. 

4. Stick to your guns

Try not to become lazy- at least when it comes to your newly organized space! Much like tip number two, take a few moments out of your day to tidy up and keep your organization, well, organized! In the end, you'll be glad you did.

Organization doesn't have to be boring- you can make it enjoyable! I know that when things are organized around me, I feel much more level-headed and all around better about myself. I hope my tips have helped you. Like I said above,  if you have a tip not listed above, leave it in the comments! I'm all about learning new things and ways of doing things! :) 

Until next time...

XOXO, Jess

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The TMI Tag!!

I'm all for some good TMI facts- for those who don't know what TMI means, it's Too Much Information- they are interesting and most of the time they are funny!

I've seen this tag floating on YouTube and though I don't have a YouTube channel I thought it would be fun to blog this!

Let's just get started heeeerreee!

1: What are you wearing? 

   -I am babysitting, so in all my glory.. VS yoga pants, an Old Navy tank top and a white hoodie from the dance studio I used to dance for.

2: Ever been in love? 

   -I am currently in love with 2 men. Kristopher (hubby) and Jesus Christ (;

3: Ever had a terrible breakup?

   -Honestly, all of my breakups were pretty terrible.. Not friends with a single ex. (OK I only had 2 but still)
4: How tall are you? 

   -I am graced with short genes. I am merely 5' and not an inch more.

5: How much do you weigh? 

   -That's a rude question!

6: Any tattoos? 

   -No, I would like to get a matching tattoo with my brother though!

7: Any piercings? 

   -I have 4. Each ear lobe, my right cartilage and my nose.

8: OTP? 

   -My One True Pairing would probably have to be Ron and Hermoine. Harry Potter geek over here & I'm not afraid who knows it!

9: Favourite show? 

   -SO MANY! The Walking Dead, The Fosters, Pretty Little Liars, Orange is the New Black, SOOOOOO many more. 

10: Favourite bands? 

   -I'm so in love with She & Him and He is We. How funny that they sound kinda of similar!

11: Something you miss?

   -I miss being 16. I miss what my life was like and the friends I was surrounded with and my Youth Group. No doubt, I love my life now though.

12: Favourite song?

   -Currently I am enjoying Say Something! The Alex And Sierra (From X-Factor) version.

13: How old are you? 

   -I am 20 BUT tomorrow I will be 21!!!!

14: Zodiac sign? 

   -Aquarius, My birthday is February 12th!

15: Quality you look for in a partner? 

   -He has to have a sense of humor, and proper manners. He has to also have the same love for Jesus as I do!

16: Favourite Quote?

   - "I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again." -F. Scott Fitzgerald... HANDS DOWN, my favorite author.
17: Favourite actor? 

   -It's so hard to decide! I love Paul Rudd but I also adore Joseph Gordon-Levitt

18: Favourite color? 

   - Purple

19: Loud music or soft?

   -Somewhere in between.
20: Where do you go when you're sad? 

   -My bible.

21: How long does it take you to shower? 

   -Usually between 10-15 minutes. I don't enjoy showers- get in, get out!

22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 

   -I am particularly lazy. But when I get ready, usually 30 minutes. If I'm going out and I want to look my best, it can take me up to 2 hours!

23: Ever been in a physical fight? 

   -No. I'm not really a violent person.

24: Turn on?

   - Passion- FOR ANYHTING! Kris enjoys playing the piano, he's very passionate and when he plays I can tell. If he's got passion for something, so much passion that it gives him drive...... Call me (;

25: Turn off? 

   - Rudeness, disrespectfulness...

26: The reason I joined Youtube? 

   - HA. Clearly a YouTube tag. BUT, I started a blog because I enjoy writing and sharing my thoughts and views and life with everyone.

27: Fears? 

   - I have an odd fear of the ocean. When I was 14 I almost drown soooo... yeah.

28: Last thing that made you cry? 

   - Probably something sappy. I happy-cry a lot!

29: Last time you said you loved someone? 

   - About an hour ago to Kris.

30: Meaning behind your Youtube Name? 

   - My blog name, perhaps? (; I wanted something catchy, I didn't want to use my name, I don't know why. Lace is my favorite, it was a main decoration in my Wedding. I just think it's pretty.... My Heart of Lace is a cutesy name!

31: Last book you read? 

   - The Hunger Games... (Sadly I have only read the first book in the series)

32: The book you're currently reading?

   - I can't think of the title off of the top of my head but it's a book by Francine Rivers who is awesome!

33: Last show you watched? 

   - Girls on HBO.

34: Last person you talked to? 

   - My little cousin Noah whom I babysit!

35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? 

   - Kris! MY husband, we have a pretty great relationship!

36: Favourite food? 

   -Any kind of potato! POPCORN -drool- and Frozen grapes, if you've never had them, TRY THEM!

37: Place you want to visit?

   - Right now, California is really calling my name.

38: Last place you were? 

   - Well, I am at my aunt and uncle's house. Does that count?

39: Do you have a crush?

   - I'd say I'm pretty head over heels for a certain someone (;

40: Last time you kissed someone? 

   - This morning. A sweet kiss goodbye from my puppy Penny!

41: Last time you were insulted?  

   - I'm not so sure. Probably today! HA

42: Favourite flavour of sweet? 

   - I love Nutella nomnomnomnom

43: What instruments do you play?? 

   - I do not play an instrument now, but I did play the flute when I was in middle school.

44: Favourite piece of jewelry?

   - My engagement ring. (Fun fact: It's a pearl right! I -heart- pearls.)

45: Last sport you played? 

   - Not so sure as it is winter time... I'd say it would probably have been baseball.

46: Last song you sang? 

   - I sang "Ready or Not" by Nikki Phillippi to my little cousin because he loves that song!

47: Favourite chat up line?

   - "Did you just fart....?"  -Awkward pause-  "Because you blew me away!!"

48: Have you ever used it?

   - In a joking sense, yes, all the time.

49: Last time you hung out with anyone? 

   - About an hour ago I was hanging out with my little cousin but sadly, he is down for a nap right now.

50: Who should answer these questions next?

   - YOU! Yes, you who is reading this!

This concludes the tag, I encourage other bloggers to do it, why should it only pertain to YouTubers? :)

Leave a comment below with any requests for future blog posts for me as I've been racking my brain lately trying to figure out what to post next! 

Until next time, thanks for reading and here is a picture to enjoy!!!!

Kristopher & I!

-XOXO Jess

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My Experience: Getting A Puppy! ♥

I am not surprised that we are in the 22nd day of 2014 and this is my first blog post!
I am such a horrible blogger.

Anywho, I have a lot planned for 2014, I'm a little nervous but I know that change can be a good thing. I have recently started a new job at a call center... So that's exciting. Que an audience laughter. onto more exciting news... Which you probably can already guess from the title of this post.

I told my hubs that I had SEVERE puppy fever. Do not take this lightly, every puppy that I saw on the street I wanted to kidnap or shall I say puppy-nap. (I had better not say that, actually) With that being said, hubs suggested since I had worked so hard and saved up some money, we could visit a puppy store. The second he told me this I made him drive me the nearest puppy store.

Quick disclaimer: I know purchasing puppy from puppy stores is generally not a good idea. We did some research on the puppy store we were headed to, as well as the puppy we ended up purchasing. Our puppy did, in fact, come from a wholesome breeder and NOT a puppy mill.

The puppy store was flooded with chihuahua and Yorkshire terriers, cute as they are, I did not want a small/lap puppy. Upon arrival, I immediate noticed the cutest Golden Retriever that I have ever seen. My immediate reaction was to go to the puppy and check to see if it was a boy or a girl. (I was looking for a girl)


This adorable pup was a girl, she was bouncy and full of life and ever so cute! I had the hubs talk to the employee to see if we could take her into a private section/room so we could play with her, get to know her, etc. Once we were in the room, I couldn't help but name her.... I felt as if she was meant to be Penny and Penny was meant to be mine... As if we were made for each other.

It took me about 3 seconds of holding her to tell hubs that we had to get her. Literally, I had to get her... her puppy paws, puppy breath, puppy teeth, cute stumbling walk, and an adorable white spot on her head... She instantly melted my heart.

Hubs also fell in love with her, admittedly. We told the employee that we wanted her, we signed papers and listened to her history. Turns out, she hadn't even been in the store for a day! Many people had interest in her but did not follow through with the purchase.

I am so blessed with this furry blessing that is now my Penny. She's everything I could have wanted in a puppy & more! I'm sure that will many more posts featuring my golden girl, Penny.

s'cute amiright?!

Thank you so much for reading, please comment below for any blog post requests!
& until next time,

XOXO -Jess

Friday, December 6, 2013

Bucket List! ♥

Today is a nostalgic kind of day. When I was 13, my best friend Natalie & I created a best friend bucket list.. a BFBL. It was very particular in that everything on the list was to be done together. 

I just so happened to stumble upon this bucket list today whilst cleaning out my closet. First of all ,can I just say it is the most adorable thing!

Everything is written in colored pencils & there are even little drawings of some things incase someone couldn't understand what we meant by words.

Ah-freakin-dorable, amiright?!

This is the only salvageable picture I could find of Natalie & I. We were about 15/16 years old, but you get the idea of 13-year-old us :)

This post isn't about my 13-year-old self & best friend's bucket list. This post is about my, sole, bucket list. I am writing this as an adult (of sorts- I'm a few weeks from 21!)

Jessica Scott's Adult Bucket List:

- Finish an entire tube of Chapstick

- Travel to Hogwarts in Florida

- Meet my soulmate. ♥

Visit all 50 states of America

- Marry my soulmate. ♥

- Have children

- Ireland
- Germany
- Italy
- Czech Republic
- Switzerland
- France
- London
- Scotland
- Niagara Falls (Canada)
- Japan
- Thailand
- Australia
- New Zealand
- South Africa
- Egypt
- Argentina
- Dominican Republic
- Peru

- Spend my lifetime with my soulmate

- Ride a horse

- Get a puppy

- Move to California

- Write an entire book on my life and my experiences

-Buy a house

- Have grandchildren

- Grow vegetables in my own garden

- Run a 1/2 marathon

- Run a full marathon

- Karaoke 

- Surf in Hawaii

- Ride a four wheeler in the Rocky mountains

- Go backpacking across Europe

- Eat real pizza in Italy

- Speak a second language, fluently

- Motorcycle along the west coast of America

- Live in 2+ states

- Swim with dolphins

- Try an In n Out burger

- Eat a macaroon

- Ride in a hot air balloon

- Muster the courage to sing in front of someone other than my cat

- Participate in IMATS

- Visit the Mall of America in Minneapolis, Minnesoda

- Take my mom to New York, New York (going THIS weekend!)

- Kiss someone on New Years Eve

- See the Northern Lights

- Obtain a passport 

- Paint a special scenery, freehand

- Whale watching

- Serenade the love of my life

- Learn how to play the guitar

- Befriend someone across the globe

- Obtain a pen pal

- Purchase a car

-Kiss someone I love

- Fall absolutely, completely, head over hills in love

- Order an alcoholic drink on my 21st birthday

As for now, this completes my bucket list. I may come back in and cross things off that I do over time, I think that'd be fun. 

I can also write a whole blog post on any of these topics, if anyone wants to see that!!

Please, comment down below if you'd like me to go deeper into any of these, comment any blog requests & such.

As always, thank you so much for reading & until next time…

Husband & I in IRELAND

XOXO, Jess <3

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

My Slight Obsession: Pinterest! ♥

Happy December!

I am a horrible blogger. I am the type of person that needs a set schedule. I am a follow the rules type of gal, as much as I hate to admit it 

I'm thinking, a new blog every Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday.. yay or nay?

I was also thinking about doing a theme for December; with the holidays approaching quickly, my creative juices are flowing!

Now onto what this blog pertains: PINTEREST!

If you don't know what Pinterest is, allow me to enlighten you. 

Basically, it is a digital pin board. There are pictures (usually associated with links) for just about everything. You start by creating a board, for example, I LOVE fashion so I created one board for Spring/Summer and a separate board for Autumn/Winter… After the board is created, you can search the website at all the "pins." There are thousands, MILLIONS of pins!

Pinterest is great for the creative soul, like me. You can create as many boards as  your heart desires and have as many pins as you want on your boards! The possibilities are endless.

I've taken a few screenshots of my Pinterest account so everyone can see the gloriousness of Pinterest.

I have a slight obsession with Pinterest… To say the least.

If you would like to browse my Pinterest account the link is to the right, but I will also leave it right below:

I am always trying to find good pinners/boards to follow so comment down below your Pinterest account. :)
Also, please leave a comment for any blog post requests you may have!!!!
Thank you so much for reading!

XOXO, Jess

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Target Haul! ♥

This October is a thing in the past, it is now November! How was everyone's October and Halloween?

I had a great October, my first full month in my new house. Something about coming home to a house makes me feel happy and cozy. I love that I can decorate any way that I want without a fee or having to ask permission! Another great thing about a house is that you have a yard!

Ok, enough of my gushing... Onto what this post is about.

I love Target. No, that's an understatement... I just can't enough Target! They having everything ranging from clothing to cosmetics to home decor to groceries! So I've recently made a trip to the local target and got a few fun things and a few necessities. 

Due to the fact that I now have a house with two bathrooms (my apartment had one) I needed a few bathroom essentials to dress up the guest bathroom!

First on my list was a shower caddy.
This shower cary is a dark brown brassy color and it's HUGGGEEEE! I adore it, it can hold and store many things; it's just very basic which I like

Next on the list was a bathroom rug

This was a difficult decision for me because I didn't just want to willy-nilly buy something. I wanted some sort of theme for the bathroom, a rug that could go along with a theme I had in mind. I decided on this creamy vanilla microfiber shag rug. It's incredibly soft and light. I may steal it for my bathroom! :) hehe.

I got this plastic white woven bin for under the sink in my bathroom. I'll use it to store body lotions, hair products, skin care products etc. Basically, any beauty related item that doesn't fit in my medicine cabinet/ I don't use on a daily basis. With that being said, I still want the products close by! 

I'm a huge movie addict! I picked up Disney's Brave and Flight. Two great movies.  Check them out.

The rest of the items I picked up are home decor. A red decorate pail and table scatter. The table scatter consists of brown leaves, red leaves, and pumpkins. They are "fall-esque" but I have not yet decided where I'd like them to be! I'm thinking either the kitchen table or a bookshelf... Decisions decisions. 

& that completes all of the haul! Let me know in the comments any suggestions on what to do with my table scatter! As always, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed.
Leave suggests for future blog posts! 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My Experience: Haunted Corn Maze! ♥

October brings us many great things. Sweater weather, hot apple cider, candy corn, trick or treating, scary movies… and haunted houses and corn mazes! 


My family & I love haunted houses, haunted hayrides & haunted corn mazes. Something about being chased by a man in ghoulish makeup and a knife prop is so much fun! The adrenaline rush and sheer panic is what makes the experience. 

Recently my family & I visited the Haunted Field of Screams in Thornton, Colorado.

 This is a maze that I have been to for the past 6 years of Halloween frights. Unfortunately, compared to past years, it was not very good. The actors were way too young, they also talked too much which kills the scare factor. The props were too unrealistic. Overall this experience was a flop, in my opinion. The real fun was scaring my over-the-top screaming cousin, Ashley!

The corn was eery, as always.

Comment below any experiences you've had (good and bad) at a haunted corn maze!! -XOXO Jess

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